This article is based on a heavily modified Ruby port of Rich Hickey’s Clojure ant simulator. Although I didn’t directly collaborate with Rich on this issue of Practicing Ruby, I learned a lot from his code and it provided me with a great foundation to start from.

Watch as a small ant colony identifies and completely consumes its four nearest food sources:

While this search effort may seem highly organized, it is the result of very simple decisions made by individual ants. On each tick of the simulation, each ant decides its next action based only on its current location and the three adjacent locations ahead of it. But because ants can indirectly communicate via their environment, complex behavior arises in the aggregate.

Emergence and self-organization are popular concepts in programming, but far too many developers start and end their explorations into these ideas with Conway’s Game of Life. In this article, I will help you see these fascinating properties in a new light by demonstrating the role they play in ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms.

NOTE: There are many ways to simulate ant behavior, some of which can be quite useful for a wide range of search applications. For this article, I have built a fairly naïve simulation that is meant to loosely mimic the kind of ant behavior you can observe in the natural world. This article may be useful as a brief introduction to ACO, but be sure to dig deeper if you are interested in practical applications. My goal is to provide a great example of emergent behavior, NOT a great reference for nature-inspired search algorithms.

Modeling the state of an ant colony

This simulated world consists of many cells: some are food sources, some are part of the colony’s nest, and the rest are an open field that needs to be traversed. Each cell can contain a single ant facing in one of the eight directions you’d find on a compass. As the ants move around the world, they mark the cells they visit with a trail of pheromones that helps them find their way between their nest and nearby food sources. Pheromones accumulate as more ants travel across a given trail, but they also gradually evaporate. The combination of these two properties of pheromones helps ants find efficient paths to nearby food sources.

Subtle changes to any of these rules can yield very different outcomes, and finding an optimal result will necessarily involve some experimentation. Knowing that, it makes sense for the simulator to have a data model that is divorced from its domain logic. Many behavioral changes can be made without altering the underlying data model, and that allows the Ant, Cell, and World constructs to be defined as simple value objects as shown below:

module AntSim 
  class Ant
    def initialize(direction, location)
      self.direction = direction
      self.location  = location

    attr_accessor :food, :direction, :location

  class Cell
    def initialize(food, home_pheremone, food_pheremone)           = food 
      self.home_pheremone = home_pheremone
      self.food_pheremone = food_pheremone

    attr_accessor :food, :home_pheremone, :food_pheremone, :ant, :home

  class World
    def initialize(world_size)
      self.size = world_size = { {,0,0) } }

    def [](location)
      x,y = location


    def sample

    def each
      data.each_with_index do |col,x| 
        col.each_with_index do |cell, y| 
          yield [cell, [x, y]]


    attr_accessor :data, :size

These classes are somewhat peculiar in that they are very state-centric and do not encapsulate any interesting domain logic. Although it won’t win us object-oriented style points, designing things this way decouples the state of the simulated world from both the events that happen within it and the optimization algorithms that run against it. These objects represent only the nouns of our system, leaving it up to their collaborators to supply the verbs.

Moving around the world

The ants in this system are surprisingly limited in their behavior. On each and every iteration, their entire decision making process can result in exactly one of the following outcomes:

Ant movement rules

Most of these actions are extremely localized. Turning does not affect any cells, while moving only affects the cell the ant currently occupies and the one immediately in front of it. However, taking or dropping food triggers a pheromone update, affecting every cell the ant has visited since the last time it updated its trails. This can have far-reaching effects on the behavior of the rest of the colony, even though each individual ant can only sense the pheromone levels of its own cell and the three cells directly in front of it. While natural ants must drop pheromone continuously as they walk, artificial ants can improve upon nature by updating entire paths instantaneously.

An object that implements these behaviors needs to know about the structure of the Ant, Cell, and World objects, but it still does not need to know much about the core domain logic of the simulator. What we want is an Actor that understands its world and how to play specific roles within it, but does not attempt to define the broader story arc:

require "set"

module AntSim
  class Actor
    DIR_DELTA   = [[0, -1], [ 1, -1], [ 1, 0], [ 1,  1],
                   [0,  1], [-1,  1], [-1, 0], [-1, -1]]

    def initialize(world, ant)   = world
      self.ant     = ant

      self.history =

    attr_reader :ant

    def turn(amt)
      ant.direction = (ant.direction + amt) % 8


    def move
      history << here

      new_location = neighbor(ant.direction)

      ahead.ant = ant
      here.ant  = nil

      ant.location = new_location


    def drop_food += 1   = false


    def take_food -= 1   = true


    def mark_food_trail
      history.each do |old_cell|
        old_cell.food_pheremone += 1 unless > 0 



    def mark_home_trail
      history.each do |old_cell|
        old_cell.home_pheremone += 1 unless old_cell.home



    def foraging?

    def here

    def ahead

    def ahead_left
      world[neighbor(ant.direction - 1)]

    def ahead_right
      world[neighbor(ant.direction + 1)]
    def nearby_places
      [ahead, ahead_left, ahead_right]


    def neighbor(direction)
      x,y = ant.location

      dx, dy = DIR_DELTA[direction % 8]

      [(x + dx) % world.size, (y + dy) % world.size]

    attr_accessor :world, :history
    attr_writer   :ant

Of course, now that we have crossed the line from pure data models to an object which actually does something, it is impossible to implement meaningful behavior without making certain assumptions that will affect the capabilities of the rest of the system. The Actor class draws two significant lines in the sand that are easy to overlook on a quick glance:

  1. Storing history data in a Set rather than an Array makes it so that when this object updates pheromone trails, it only takes into account what cells were visited, not how many times they were visited or in what order they were traversed.

  2. The modular arithmetic performed in the neighbor function treats the world as if it were a torus, instead of a plane. This means that the leftmost column and the rightmost column of the map are adjacent to one another, as are the top and bottom rows. This allows ants to easily wrap around the edges of the map, but also establishes connections between cells that you may not intuitively think of as being close to one another. Without a three-dimensional visualization, it is hard to show that the top right corner of the map and the bottom left corner are actually adjacent to one another.

Of course, the purpose of the Actor class is to hide these details from the rest of the system. As long as its collaborators can operate within these constraints, the Actor object can be treated as a magic black box that knows how to make ants move around the world and do interesting things. To see why that is useful, check out the Simulator#iterate function which drives the simulator’s main event loop:

module AntSim
  class Simulator
    # ... other functions ...

    def iterate
      actors.each do |actor|
        optimizer =, actor.nearby_places)
        if actor.foraging?
          action = optimizer.seek_food
          action = optimizer.seek_home

        case action
        when :drop_food
        when :take_food
        when :move_forward
        when :turn_left
        when :turn_right
          raise NotImplementedError, action.inspect

      sleep ANT_SLEEP

Here we can see that the Simulator acts as a bridge that translates the Optimizer object’s very abstract suggestions into concrete actions for the Actor to carry out. The design of the Actor object gives the Simulator just enough control to make some small adjustments to the process, but not so much that it needs to be bogged down with the details.

Finding food and bringing it home

Now that we know the state of the world and how it can be manipulated, it is time to discuss how to produce the kind of behavior that you saw in the video at the beginning of this article. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the life of the everyday worker ant is actually fairly mundane.

Every ant in this simulation is always either searching for food to bring back to the nest, or trying to return home with the food it found. As soon an ant accomplishes one of these tasks, it immediately transitions to the other, not bothering to take even a moment to bask in fruits of its labor. The following outline describes what the ants in this simulation are “thinking” at any given point in time, assuming that they haven’t managed to become self-aware…

When searching for food:

  1. If the current cell has food in it and it is NOT part of the nest, pick up some food.

  2. Otherwise, check the cell directly in front of me. If it has food in it, is not part of the nest, and it is not occupied by another ant, move there.

  3. If not, rank the three adjacent cells in front of me based on the amount of food they contain, and how intense their food_pheremone levels are. I will usually choose to move or turn towards the cell with highest ranking, but I will randomly deviate from this pattern on occasion so that I can explore some uncharted territory.

When searching for the nest:

  1. If the current cell is part of the nest, drop the food I am carrying.

  2. Otherwise, check the cell directly in front of me. If it is part of the nest, and it is not occupied by another ant, move there.

  3. If not, rank the three adjacent cells in front of me based on whether or not they are part of the nest, and how intense their home_pheremone levels are. I will usually choose to move or turn towards the cell with highest ranking, but I will randomly deviate from this pattern on occasion so that I can explore some uncharted territory.

Translating these ideas into code is very straightforward, especially if you treat the underlying mathematical formulas as a black box:

module AntSim
  class Optimizer
    # ...

    def seek_food
      if > 0 && (! here.home)
      elsif > 0 && (! ahead.home ) && (! ahead.ant )
        food_ranking = rank_by { |cell| }
        pher_ranking = rank_by { |cell| cell.food_pheremone }

        ranks = combined_ranks(food_ranking, pher_ranking)

    def seek_home
      if here.home
      elsif ahead.home && (! ahead.ant)
        home_ranking = rank_by { |cell| cell.home ? 1 : 0 }
        pher_ranking = rank_by { |cell| cell.home_pheremone }

        ranks = combined_ranks(home_ranking, pher_ranking)

    def follow_trail(ranks)
      choice = wrand([ ahead.ant ? 0 : ranks[ahead],

      [:move_forward, :turn_left, :turn_right][choice]

    # ...

If you understand the general idea behind this algorithm, don’t worry about the exact computations that the Optimizer uses unless you are planning on researching Ant Colony Optimization in much greater detail. While I understand what my own code is doing, I’ll admit that I mostly cargo-cult copied the probabilistic methods from Rich Hickey’s simulator while sprinkling in a few minor tweaks here and there. That said, if you want to see exactly how I hacked things together, feel free to check out the full Optimizer class definition.

What I personally find much more interesting than the nuts and bolt of how this algorithm works is to think about why it works.

How the hive mind emerges

As we discussed in the previous section, ants are attracted to pheromone, and that makes them more likely to follow the trails left behind by other ants than they are to venture out on their own. However, when ants first start exploring a new space, there are no trails to follow and so they are forced to wander around randomly until a food source is found.

Generally speaking, ants that take a shorter path from the nest to a food source will arrive there sooner than ants that take a longer path. If they follow their own pheromone trail back to the nest, they will also return home sooner than those who are traversing longer paths. By the time ants who have taken a longer path return home, the ants on the shortest paths have already went back out in search of additional food, which increases the pheromone levels on their trails.

This process on its own would bias the ant colony to prefer shorter paths over longer ones, but the optimization would be somewhat sluggish and might tend to produce solutions that work well locally but aren’t nearly as attractive globally. To get better results, the system needs a bit of entropy thrown into the mix.

Because the behavior of ants has a certain amount of randomness to it, the occasional deviation from established paths are fairly common. Even if the fluctuations are small, each tiny shortcut that allows an ant to get between two points along a path in a shorter amount of time ultimately contributes to finding an optimal solution. This means that even an ant who goes wildly off course and starves to death nowhere near the nest can make a meaningful contribution to the colony if even some tiny segment of its path serves to shorten an existing well-worn trail.

When you add in the fact that pheromones are volatile and tend to evaporate over time, an upper limit emerges for how much a bad path or a local optimization can influence the colony’s decision making. Evaporation is also a key part of what allows the ants to change course when a food source is exhausted, or an obstacle stands in the way of an established path.

Pheromone decay is something that can be modeled in many ways, but the easiest way of simulating it is to gradually reduce the pheromone at every cell in the world on a regular interval. For an example of this approach, check out Simulator#evaporate:

module AntSim
  class Simulator
    def evaporate
      world.each do |cell, (x,y)| 
        cell.home_pheremone *= EVAP_RATE 
        cell.food_pheremone *= EVAP_RATE

So if you take the basic positive feedback loop caused by pheromone attraction and mix in a bit of probabilistic exploration and the gradual evaporation of trails, you end up with a fairly robust optimization process. It truly is remarkable that these basic factors can combine to create a very effective search heuristic, especially when you consider the fact that what we’ve discussed here is only a crude approximation of the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Ant Colony Optimization.


Emergent behaviors in computing problems have always fascinated me, even though I have not spent nearly enough time studying them to understand them well. I feel similarly about a lot of other things in life, ranging from the board game Go, to the spread of memes throughout communities both online and offline.

There is something deep and almost spiritual in the realization that the extremely complex behaviors can emerge from very simple systems with very few rules, and a complete lack of central organization. It forces us to call into question everything we experience and to wonder whether there is some elegant explanation for it all!