Every Proc object is a closure, which means that each code block you write captures references to data from its surrounding scope for later use. Although that sounds highly academic, it has some very practical benefits that you’re probably already aware of, as well as some drawbacks that you may or may not know about.

Closures make block-based APIs feel natural

The closure property of Proc objects is what makes the following snippet of code possible:

class Vector
  def initialize(data)
    @data = data

  def *(num)
    @data.map { |e| e * num }

>> Vector.new([1,2,3]) * 7
=> [7, 14, 21]

In this example, when we call @data.map and provide it with a code block to execute, we have no trouble accessing the num variable. However, this local variable is not defined within the block’s local scope; it’s defined within the enclosing scope (the Vector#*) method. To see that these are truly two different scopes, check out the following examples, which clarify the relationship between the Proc object’s code and its enclosing scope.

def proc_can_see_outer_scope_locals
  y = 10
  lambda { p defined?(y) }.call

def proc_can_modify_outer_scope_locals
  y = 10
  lambda { y = 20 }.call
  p y

def proc_destroys_block_local_vars_on_exit
  lambda { y = 10 }.call
  p defined?(y)

proc_can_see_outer_scope_locals          #=> "local-variable"
proc_can_modify_outer_scope_locals       #=> 20
proc_destroys_block_local_vars_on_exit   #=> nil

The first example demonstrates that a Proc object’s code can access the local variables of its enclosing scope, which is exactly what is going on in our Vector example. The second example is an answer to a question that arises naturally from the first example, which is whether the Proc object’s code can modify the contents of the local variables that are defined in its enclosing scope. The third example simply verifies that once the Proc object’s code has been called, any variables set up within its own code block are wiped out and are not visible from the outer scope.

Closures make memory management complicated

Though they take some getting used to, the behaviors provided by the closure property in Proc objects are relatively easy to understand and have many practical benefits. However, they do give rise to a complex behavior that sometimes leads to surprising results. Check out the following example for a bit of a head trip.

def new_counter
  x = 0
  lambda { x += 1 }

counter_a = new_counter

p counter_a.call #=> 3

counter_b = new_counter
p counter_b.call #=> 1

p counter_a.call #=> 4

In the example code, we see that the two Proc objects returned by the new_counter() method are referencing two different locations in memory. This behavior is a bit confusing because we can usually count on methods to clean up after themselves them once they wrap up whatever they are doing. But because the purpose of a Proc object is in part to be able to delay the execution of code, it’s impossible for the new_counter() method to do this cleanup task for us. So here’s what happens: counter_a gets a reference to the local variable x that was set up the first time we called new_counter(), and counter_b gets a reference to a different local variable x that was set up the second time we called new_counter().

If used correctly, this behavior can be a feature. It’s not one that you or I would use every day, but because this approach can be used to maintain state in a purely functional way, it is at least academically interesting. However, in most ordinary use cases, it is much more likely that this behavior is going to cause a memory leak than that it will do anything helpful for you, as it leads to lots of seemingly throwaway data stored in local variables getting dangling references that prevent that data from being garbage collected.

Not all closure-based memory leaks are so obvious

Capturing references to locals from the enclosing scope for longer than necessary isn’t the only way that you can cause leaks with Proc objects. Every Proc object also creates a reference to the object that it was defined within, creating a leak that is even harder to notice. Let’s take a look at an example of how that can come back to bite you.

Suppose we have a configurable logger module and we want to record a message to the logs each time a new User object is created. If we were going for something simple and straightforward, we might end up with code similar to what you see here:

module Logger
  extend self

  attr_accessor :output

  def log(msg)
    output << "#{msg}\n"

class User
  def initialize(id)
    @id = id
    Logger.log("Created User with ID #{id}")

But if we wanted to be a bit more fancy, we could build a logger that delayed the writing of the logs until we explicitly asked for them to be written. We could use Proc objects for lazy evaluation, giving us a potential speed boost whenever we didn’t actually need to view our logs.

module LazyLogger
  extend self

  attr_accessor :output

  def log(&callback)
    @log_actions ||= []
    @log_actions << callback

  def flush
    @log_actions.each { |e| e.call(output) }

class User
  def initialize(id)
    @id = id
    LazyLogger.log { |out| out << "Created User with ID #{id}" }

Although this code may look simple, it has a subtle memory leak. The leak can be verified via the following simple script, which shows that 1000 users still exist in the system, even though the objects were created as throwaway objects:

LazyLogger.output = ""
1000.times { |i| User.new(i) }

p ObjectSpace.each_object(User).count #=> 1000

If instead we use our more vanilla code that does not use Proc objects, we see that for the most part*, the garbage collector has done its job.

Logger.output = ""
1000.times { |i| User.new(i) }


# (*): I expected below to be 0, but GC clearly ran. Weird.
p ObjectSpace.each_object(User).count #=> 1

Our LazyLogger leaks because when LazyLogger.log is called with a block from within User#initialize, a new Proc object is created that holds a reference to that user object. That Proc object ends up getting stored in the @log_actions array in LazyLogger module and needs to be kept alive at least until LazyLogger.flush is called in order for everything to work as expected. Thus our User objects that we expected to get thrown away still have live references to them, so they don’t end up getting garbage collected.

These kinds of problems can be very easy to run into and very hard to work around. In fact, I’ve have been having trouble figuring out how to preserve the LazyLogger behavior in a way that’d plug the leak or at least mitigate it somewhat. In this particular case, it’d be possible to call clear on the @log_actions array whenever flush is called, and that would free up the references to the User instances. But that approach still ends up keeping unnecessary references alive longer than you might want, and the pattern doesn’t necessarily apply generally to other scenarios.


Because we use code blocks so freely and tend to ignore the closure property, many Ruby applications and libraries have memory leaks in them. Even fairly experienced developers (myself included) don’t necessarily design with these issues in mind. Those who do have firm memory constraints to deal with are forced to use a variety of awkward techniques to overcome this problem.

One possible way to avoid closure-based memory leaks is to use Method objects in place of Proc objects wherever the closure properties are not required. Another option is to create Proc objects in a different context to avoid accidental references to objects that you want garbage collected. In fact, I recently needed to use the latter approach in order to make use of ObjectSpace.define_finalizer. Although that’s a bit of an obscure topic, it’s a good example of what we’ve just been talking about, so I recommend checking out this article by Mike Perham.

I don’t want to give much more advice on handling memory management, because it’s not an area in which I’m particularly strong. I welcome any corrections to what I’ve said here, if you find that I’ve made a mistake anywhere.

Questions/Discussion Points

This article wasn’t especially long, but the material is quite dense, and I don’t want to push my luck by covering too many concepts at once. That said, I’ve provided a few exercises for those who want to dig a bit deeper and would be happy to continue discussing the topic in general now that we have a starting point. Leave a comment if something is on your mind!

  • Find a good example of an API that allows you to use a Method object in place of a Proc object, or create your own. Investigate the performance and memory differences between the two approaches by writing benchmarks.

  • Use two different approaches to implement your own attr_accessor function: one using the closure-based define_method, and another using module_eval with a string. Compare the performance characteristics of calling the dynamically defined methods and try to reason about why one is faster than the other, if they are not comparable to one another.

  • Share your thoughts on when you need to worry about the downsides of closures, and when you don’t. Come up with some metrics for determining what issues to look out for.

  • CHALLENGE: Explain why my ObjectSpace example showed 1 User instance, not 0!