My article on the SOLID design principles was inspired by a great talk I saw by Sandi Metz at GoRuCo 2009. Coincidentally, this article is inspired by another great talk I saw in 2009, called The Building Blocks of Modularity. This talk was given by Jim Weirich at MWRC, and if you haven’t seen it yet, I urge you to stop what you’re doing and watch it right now.

In the talk, Jim jokingly claims he’s presenting on the “Grand Unified Theory of Software Development”. Personally, I think that isn’t too far off the mark, because connascence is a fundamentally simple concept when compared to things like the SOLID principles or any of other design concepts we’ll be studying in this series.

Brief introduction to connascence for the uninitiated

Since I didn’t know the concept of connascence even existed before seeing Jim’s talk, and because it’s not a super common discussion topic even among design geeks, we should at least steal some content from Wikipedia to frame our discussion around:

“Two software components are connascent if a change in one would require the other to be modified in order to maintain the overall correctness of the system. Connascence is a way to characterize and reason about certain types of complexity in software systems.”

If you haven’t watched Jim’s talk yet, I’ll remind you to go ahead and do that now. But if some reason you can’t or won’t, you should know that the kinds of complexity that connascence can be used to reason about all have to do with coupling. The relationship between the concept of connascence to the concept of coupling becomes a little more clear when you look at the various kinds of connascence that can be found in software systems. Below I’ve listed out the various kinds of connascence in order from weakest to strongest:

  • Name: when multiple components must agree on the name of an entity.
  • Type: when multiple components must agree on the type of an entity.
  • Meaning: when multiple components must agree on the meaning of specific values.
  • Position: when multiple components must agree on the order of values.
  • Algorithm: when multiple components must agree on a particular algorithm.
  • Execution (order): when the order of execution of multiple components is important.
  • Timing: when the timing of the execution of multiple components is important.
  • Identity: when multiple components must reference the entity.

Knowing the various kinds of connascence gives us a metric for determining the characteristics and severity of the coupling in our systems. The idea is simple: The more remote the connection between two clusters of code, the weaker the connascence between them should be.

Good design principles encourages us to move from tight coupling to looser coupling where possible. But connascence allows us to be much more specific about what kinds of problems we’re dealing with, which makes it easier to reason about the types of refactorings that can be used to weaken the connascence between components.

In this article, I will show how you can convert instance of Type, Meaning, Position, and Algorithm-based connascence down to Connascence of Name. While all forms of connascence are worth studying, these ones are the most likely to appear in your daily work.

Connascence of Name

Name based coupling exists when a name change in one place requires a code change in other places. Being the weakest form of connascence, it’s also by far the most common. Every module, class, method and variable we create introduces connascence of name, assuming it is actually used for something. As an example, consider the following code:

mailer =
mailer.deliver(:to      => "[email protected]", 
               :from    => "[email protected]",
               :subject => "You have won a lifetime supply of...",
               :body    => "Dear Sir, I am pleased to inform...")

In just this script, we see an incredible amount of name based coupling. Any of the following trivial changes to Mailer would cause all code that depends on it to break immediately.

  • Wrapping the Mailer class definition in a namespace, e.g. FancyUnicorn::Mailer

  • Renaming the deliver() method to send_message()

  • Renaming any of the keys in the hash passed to deliver(), i.e. changing the :to key so that it reads :recipient

But the fact is, there isn’t really any way around this sort of coupling in most scenarios, and it’s not necessarily a sign of a problem. That having been said, the reason why naming things is so important in computer science is because even loosely coupled, highly cohesive systems have copious amounts of name based coupling, which have widespread effects that only increase as systems get more complex.

Sometimes, it is possible to eliminate Connascence of Name and the the coupling that comes along with it. For example, consider this way of defining class methods in Ruby:

class Mailer
  def Mailer.configure(*args)

There is a clear dependence in this code between the second line of code and the first, in which if the first line changes, so too must the second line. We can rewrite this to avoid that coupling, if we just take advantage of Ruby’s self keyword here:

class Mailer
  def self.configure(*args)

But while eliminating Connascense of Name is desireable when it is both possible and convenient to do so, it’s not always realistic. We need to accept that because names don’t change all that often, a little bit of CoN is often harmless. In fact, when given the choice between CoN and other forms of connascence, name based coupling is preferable. We will now take a look at the other forms of connascence to see why that is the case.

Connascence of Type

Folks like to think that Ruby is immune to typing issues, but that assumption is often far too optimistic. The following code is a direct example of Connascence of Type:

def average(values)
   raise ArgumentError unless values.kind_of?(Array)

   values.inject(:+) / values.size.to_f

One might attempt to resolve the problem by moving away from strict class checking and instead use a respond_to?() check:

def average(values)
   unless values.respond_to?(:inject) && values.respond_to?(:size)
     raise ArgumentError 

   values.inject(:+) / values.size.to_f

This certainly loosens the type coupling, but does not eliminate it. If we accept the notion that the type of a Ruby object is defined by what that object can do, respond_to?() is still a form of type check, done at the method level instead of at the level of the class hierarchy. It can sometimes even result in false negatives, because not all code which implements dynamic behavior through method_missing() updates respond_to?() to add those methods. This can lead to code similar to previous example to fail with certain kinds of proxy objects, even though they implement all necessary behaviors.

To truly free ourselves from Connascence of Type, one option is to just remove the guard clause and let Ruby bubble up with an exception for objects that don’t work as our code expects them to. But sometimes, we want to make sure our debugging isn’t harder than it needs to be. Here’s an alternative that preserves the error handling in a way that is free of type dependencies:

def average(values)
   values.inject(:+) / values.size.to_f
rescue NoMethodError
   raise ArgumentError, "The average() function can only " +
                        "operate on collections which implement " +
                        "the inject() and size() methods"

If this feels a bit overkill, it’s because it probably is. But the general idea of removing the kind_of?() and respond_to?() checks is a good one, because it puts us squarely back in the realm of Connascence of Name. Our dependency is now simply that the values object has a pair of methods with the names inject() and size().

Connascence of Meaning

In its most basic form, Connascence of Meaning is all about magic values. For example, consider a legacy access control system in which an admin is given the value 0, a manager 1, and an ordinary user 2. You could end up writing code like this:

if user.access_level == 0
  raise AccessDeniedError

The trouble is, once you’ve littered your system with hard-coded numeric values, you will have a hard time remembering what they do, and will have a hard time hunting them down when they need to be changed. To fix this issue, we can modify our hypothetical User object:

class User
  ACCESS_LEVELS = { 0 => :admin, 1 => :manager, 2 => :user }

  def admin?
    ACCESS_LEVELS[access_level] == :admin

We try to avoid repeating Connascence of Meaning even in the more local context of the User class by storing the actual role mappings in a constant. We then provide a convenience method User#admin? to be used externally, resulting in newly minted caller code that looks like this:

if user.admin?
  raise AccessDeniedError

Now I don’t know about you, but I think I’d be much less likely to accidentally nuke the moon if the code were written this way. We haven’t totally eliminated the Connascence of Meaning, but we’ve moved it to a hyper-local context within a single constant on the User model. Because all of the calling code is now just exhibiting Connascence of Name, this is a great refactoring.

Connascence of Position

Connascence of Position is something that we see every day in Ruby because method parameters are ordered. If we go to our mailer example, we could have just as easily written the Mailer#deliver() method to use explicitly ordered parameters, similar to what is shown in the example below.

class Mailer
  def deliver(to, from, subject, message)
    # ...

APIs like this annoy the heck out of me, because the calling code typically doesn’t give any hints at why the arguments are specified in a particular order. Take a look at how opaque things get when we just try to reproduce our previous example using this slightly different API:

mailer.deliver("[email protected]", 
               "[email protected]",
               "You have won a lifetime supply of...",
               "Dear Sir, I am pleased to inform...")

Looking at this code, it’s very difficult to determine who is the sender and who is the recipient, and even more difficult to think about how you might introduce default values into the mix. Every change to the ordering or length of the list of arguments can lead to broken code in remote places in your codebase. For all of these reasons, Rubyists tend to prefer hash-based pseudo-keyword arguments for all but the most straightforward method signatures.

However, introducing keyword arguments isn’t the only way to reduce CoP in method signatures to CoN. Another alternative that is perhaps underused is to simply create objects that provide all the necessary attributes that you would typically use a hash for. In this case, we can envision a simple Message object being introduced:

message =      = "[email protected]"
message.from    = "[email protected]"
message.subject = "You have won a lifetime supply of..."
message.body    = "Dear Sir, I am pleazed to inform..."


Assuming that the Mailer#deliver method just depends on the attribute readers for those attributes, this is functionally equivalent to the hash based code but offers a number of advantages. Message is now a reusable, independently testable entity that can do things like validations internally. This moves some of the error checking and simple transformation code that might be needed to use a parameters hash into a more local setting. With a little creativity, it’s relatively easy to make the API look a little nicer by letting Mailer#deliver create the message object for you.

mailer.deliver do |message|      = "[email protected]"
  message.from    = "[email protected]"
  message.subject = "You have won a lifetime supply of..."
  message.body    = "Dear Sir, I am pleazed to inform..."

This sort of API is fairly common in Ruby as well, but probably not as common as it should be. So next time you’re faced with the CoP problem when dealing with method arguments, consider fixing it by putting a nice shiny new object in place.

It’s worth noting that Connascence of Position is certainly not limited to method arguments in Ruby. Anywhere in which a change in position of some data requires you to change code elsewhere, you’ve got a CoP issue, and should think about how to reduce it if possible.

Connascence of Algorithm

Connascence of Algorithm often looks and smells a bit like the DRY principle. But there are many cases in which code that violates DRY doesn’t have a CoA problem, and some rare cases where the opposite is true. The key thing about CoA is the dependency between two or more clusters of code.

The following example is a CoA example from the wild, from a programming quiz site that we’re working on as part of Mendicant University’s admission process. First, you can see a fairly DRY model which is meant to compare uploaded solutions to the actual answer for a given puzzle.

class Puzzle < ActiveRecord::Base
  def file=(tempfile)
    write_attribute :fingerprint, sha1(tempfile)

  def valid_solution?(tempfile)
    fingerprint == sha1(tempfile)


  def sha1(tempfile)

Internally, this code is fairly free of CoA, particularly because the algorithm for fingerprinting solutions has been extracted into the Puzzle#sha1() helper. But because this is a private method, I ended up with tests that explicitly do the hashing themselves to verify that the Puzzle#file=() method is working as expected.

test "must be able to create a fingerprint for a file" do
  tempfile ="puzzle_sample")
  tempfile << "Sample Text"

  expected_fingerprint = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(

  puzzle = => tempfile)

  assert_equal expected_fingerprint, puzzle.fingerprint

This has an upside in that it sanity checks the exact behavior, ensuring that the tempfile is actually hashed via SHA1. But since the focus of the test is more on ensuring that a hash was generated rather than the way it was generated, we might be able to improve this by extracting the fingerprinting code into its own module.

module Fingerprint
  extend self

  def [](stream)

Then, I could rewrite the code and tests to look like they do below:

class Puzzle < ActiveRecord::Base
  def file=(tempfile)
    write_attribute :fingerprint, Fingerprint[tempfile]

  def valid_solution?(tempfile)
    fingerprint == Fingerprint[tempfile]
test "must be able to create a fingerprint for a file" do
  tempfile ="puzzle_sample")
  tempfile << "Sample Text"

  expected_fingerprint = Fingerprint[tempfile]

  puzzle = => tempfile)

  assert_equal expected_fingerprint, puzzle.fingerprint

The end result would be that the algorithm for how I was generating digital fingerprints for the solutions could change, and I would not need to update my tests, as long as the names of everything stayed the same.

In this case, arguably just fully applying the DRY principle would lead us to the same place, but the concept of connascence lets us think about the consequences of DRY in a less abstract way. Like all the other types of connascence, there is a lot more we could talk about here, but in the interest of time, we’ll skip the details for now.


While we dug deep into some heavy theory in last week’s SOLID article, I tried to keep the connascence examples simple, practical, and common. But that is not to say that connascence isn’t every bit as deep a concept as SOLID, and your investigations should not stop at the examples I’ve shown here.

In the two articles to follow this one, we’ll be looking at particular patterns and techniques that can help you design better code. Now that you’re armed with both the SOLID principles and the metrics of connascence, you have a solid basis for thinking about these problems in more specific contexts. I encourage you to re-read these first two articles as you continue on with this series, and get back to me with any questions you might have.

NOTE: This article has also been published on the Ruby Best Practices blog. There may be additional commentary over there worth taking a look at.