This issue was a collaboration with Alberto Fernández Capel, a Ruby developer from Spain. Although it has been through many revisions since we started, Alberto’s ideas, code, and explanations provided an excellent starting point that lead us to publish this article.

Conventional wisdom says that concurrent programming is hard, especially in Ruby. This basic assumption is what lead many Rubyists to take an interest in languages like Erlang and Scala – their baked in support for the actor model is meant to make concurrent systems much easier for everyday programmers to implement and understand.

But do you really need to look outside of Ruby to find concurrency primitives that can make your work easier? The answer to that question probably depends on the levels of concurrency and availability that you require, but things have definitely been shaping up in recent years. In particular, the Celluloid framework has brought us a convenient and clean way to implement actor-based concurrent systems in Ruby.

In order to appreciate what Celluloid can do for you, you first need to understand what the actor model is, and what benefits it offers over the traditional approach of directly using threads and locks for concurrent programming. In this article, we’ll try to shed some light on those points by solving a classic concurrency puzzle in three ways: Using Ruby’s built-in primitives (threads and mutex locks), using the Celluloid framework, and using a minimal implementation of the actor model that we’ll build from scratch.

By the end of this article, you certainly won’t be a concurrency expert if you aren’t already, but you’ll have a nice head start on some basic concepts that will help you decide how to tackle concurrent programming within your own projects. Let’s begin!

The Dining Philosophers Problem

The Dining Philosophers problem was formulated by Edsger Djisktra in 1965 to illustrate the kind of issues we can find when multiple processes compete to gain access to exclusive resources.

In this problem, five philosophers meet to have dinner. They sit at a round table and each one has a bowl of rice in front of them. There are also five chopsticks, one between each philosopher. The philosophers spent their time thinking about The Meaning of Life. Whenever they get hungry, they try to eat. But a philosopher needs a chopstick in each hand in order to grab the rice. If any other philosopher has already taken one of those chopsticks, the hungry philosopher will wait until that chopstick is available.

This problem is interesting because if it is not properly solved it can easily lead to deadlock issues. We’ll take a look at those issues soon, but first let’s convert this problem domain into a few basic Ruby objects.

Modeling the table and its chopsticks

All three of the solutions we’ll discuss in this article rely on a Chopstick class and a Table class. The definitions of both classes are shown below:

class Chopstick
  def initialize
    @mutex =

  def take

  def drop

  rescue ThreadError
    puts "Trying to drop a chopstick not acquired"

  def in_use?

class Table
  def initialize(num_seats)
    @chopsticks  = { }

  def left_chopstick_at(position)
    index = (position - 1) % @chopsticks.size

  def right_chopstick_at(position)
    index = position % @chopsticks.size

  def chopsticks_in_use { |f| f.in_use? }.size

The Chopstick class is just a thin wrapper around a regular Ruby mutex that will ensure that two philosophers can not grab the same chopstick at the same time. The Table class deals with the geometry of the problem; it knows where each seat is at the table, which chopstick is to the left or to the right of that seat, and how many chopsticks are currently in use.

Now that you’ve seen the basic domain objects that model this problem, we’ll look at different ways of implementing the behavior of the philosophers. We’ll start with what doesn’t work.

A solution that leads to deadlocks

The Philosopher class shown below would seem to be the most straightforward solution to this problem, but has a fatal flaw that prevents it from being thread safe. Can you spot it?

class Philosopher
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

  def dine(table, position)
    @left_chopstick  = table.left_chopstick_at(position)
    @right_chopstick = table.right_chopstick_at(position)

    loop do

  def think
    puts "#{@name} is thinking"

  def eat

    puts "#{@name} is eating."


  def take_chopsticks

  def drop_chopsticks

If you’re still scratching your head, consider what happens when each philosopher object is given its own thread, and all the philosophers attempt to eat at the same time.

In this naive implementation, it is possible to reach a state in which every philosopher picks up their left-hand chopstick, leaving no chopsticks on the table. In that scenario, every philosopher would simply wait forever for their right-hand chopstick to become available – resulting in a deadlock. You can reproduce the problem by running the following code:

names = %w{Heraclitus Aristotle Epictetus Schopenhauer Popper}

philosophers = { |name| }
table        =

threads = do |philosopher, i| { philosopher.dine(table, i) }


Ruby is smart enough to inform you of what went wrong, so you should end up seeing a backtrace that looks something like this:

Aristotle is thinking
Popper is eating.
Popper is thinking
Epictetus is eating.
Epictetus is thinking
Heraclitus is eating.
Heraclitus is thinking
Schopenhauer is eating.
Schopenhauer is thinking

dining_philosophers_uncoordinated.rb:79:in `join': deadlock detected (fatal)
  from dining_philosophers_uncoordinated.rb:79:in `each'
  from dining_philosophers_uncoordinated.rb:79:in `<main>

In many situations, the most simple solution tends to be the best one, but this is obviously not one of those cases. Since we’ve learned the hard way that the philosophers cannot be safely left to their own devices, we’ll need to do more to make sure their behaviors remain coordinated.

A coordinated mutex-based solution

One easy solution to this issue is introduce a Waiter object into the mix. In this model, the philosopher must ask the waiter before eating. If the number of chopsticks in use is four or more, the waiter will make the philosopher wait until someone finishes eating. This will ensure that at least one philosopher will be able to eat at any time, avoiding the deadlock condition.

There’s still a catch, though. From the moment the waiter checks the number of chopstick in use until the next philosopher starts to eat we have a critical region in our program: If we let two concurrent threads execute that code at the same time there is still a chance of a deadlock. For example, suppose the waiter checks the number of chopsticks used and see it is 3. At that moment, the scheduler yields control to another philosopher who is just picking the chopstick. When the execution flow comes back to the original thread, it will allow the original philosopher to eat, even if there may be more than four chopsticks already in use.

To avoid this situation we need to protect the critical region with a mutex, as shown below:

class Waiter
  def initialize(capacity)
    @capacity = capacity
    @mutex    =

  def serve(table, philosopher)
    @mutex.synchronize do
      sleep(rand) while table.chopsticks_in_use >= @capacity 

Introducing the Waiter object requires us to make some minor changes to our Philosopher object, but they are fairly straightforward:

class Philosopher

  # ... all omitted code same as before

  def dine(table, position, waiter)
    @left_chopstick  = table.left_chopstick_at(position)
    @right_chopstick = table.right_chopstick_at(position)

    loop do

      # instead of calling eat() directly, make a request to the waiter 
      waiter.serve(table, self)

  def eat
    # removed take_chopsticks call, as that's now handled by the waiter

    puts "#{@name} is eating."


The runner code also needs minor tweaks, but is mostly similar to what you saw earlier:

names = %w{Heraclitus Aristotle Epictetus Schopenhauer Popper}

philosophers = { |name| }

table  =
waiter = - 1)

threads = do |philosopher, i| { philosopher.dine(table, i, waiter) }


This approach is reasonable and solves the deadlock issue, but using mutexes to synchronize code requires some low level thinking. Even in this simple problem, there were several gotchas to consider. As programs get more complicated, it becomes really difficult to keep track of critical regions while ensuring that the code behaves properly when accessing them.

The actor model is meant to provide a more systematic and natural way of sharing data between threads. We’ll now take a look at an actor-based solution to this problem so that we can see how it compares to this mutex-based approach.

An actor-based solution using Celluloid

We’ll now rework our Philosopher and Waiter classes to make use of Celluloid. Much of the code will remain the same, but some important details will change. The full class definitions are shown below to preserve context, but the changed portions are marked with comments.

We’ll spend the rest of the article explaining the inner workings of this code, so don’t worry about understanding every last detail. Instead, just try to get a basic idea of what’s going on here:

class Philosopher
  include Celluloid

  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

  # Switching to the actor model requires us get rid of our
  # more procedural event loop in favor of a message-oriented
  # approach using recursion. The call to think() eventually
  # leads to a call to eat(), which in turn calls back to think(),
  # completing the loop.

  def dine(table, position, waiter)
    @waiter = waiter

    @left_chopstick  = table.left_chopstick_at(position)
    @right_chopstick = table.right_chopstick_at(position)


  def think
    puts "#{@name} is thinking."

    # Asynchronously notifies the waiter object that
    # the philosophor is ready to eat


  def eat

    puts "#{@name} is eating."


    # Asynchronously notifies the waiter
    # that the philosopher has finished eating



  def take_chopsticks

  def drop_chopsticks

  # This code is necessary in order for Celluloid to shut down cleanly
  def finalize

class Waiter
  include Celluloid

  def initialize
    @eating   = []

  # because synchronized data access is ensured
  # by the actor model, this code is much more
  # simple than its mutex-based counterpart. However,
  # this approach requires two methods
  # (one to start and one to stop the eating process),
  # where the previous approach used a single serve() method.

  def request_to_eat(philosopher)
    return if @eating.include?(philosopher)

    @eating << philosopher

  def done_eating(philosopher)

The runner code is similar to before, with only some very minor changes:

names = %w{Heraclitus Aristotle Epictetus Schopenhauer Popper}

philosophers = { |name| }

waiter = # no longer needs a "capacity" argument
table =

philosophers.each_with_index do |philosopher, i| 
  # No longer manually create a thread, rely on async() to do that for us.
  philosopher.async.dine(table, i, waiter) 


The runtime behavior of this solution is similar to that of our mutex-based solution. However, the following differences in implementation are worth noting:

  • Each class that mixes in Celluloid becomes an actor with its own thread of execution.

  • The Celluloid library intercepts any method call run through the async proxy object and stores it in the actor’s mailbox. The actor’s thread will sequentially execute those stored methods, one after another.

  • This behavior makes it so that we don’t need to manage threads and mutex synchronization explicitly. The Celluloid library handles that under the hood in an object-oriented manner.

  • If we encapsulate all data inside actor objects, only the actor’s thread will be able to access and modify its own data. That prevents the possibility of two threads writing to a critical region at the same time, which eliminates the risk of deadlocks and data corruption.

These features are very useful for simplifying the way we think about concurrent programming, but you’re probably wondering how much magic is involved in implementing them. Let’s build our own minimal drop-in replacement for Celluloid to find out!

Rolling our own actor model

Celluloid provides much more functionality than what we can discuss in this article, but building a barebones implementation of the actor model is within our reach. In fact, the following 80 lines of code are enough to serve as a replacement for our use of Celluloid in the previous example:

require 'thread'

module Actor  # To use this, you'd include Actor instead of Celluloid
  module ClassMethods
    def new(*args, &block)

  class << self
    def included(klass)

    def current

  class Proxy
    def initialize(target)
      @target  = target
      @mailbox =
      @mutex   =
      @running = true

      @async_proxy =

      @thread = do
        Thread.current[:actor] = self

    def async
    def send_later(meth, *args)
      @mailbox << [meth, args]

    def terminate
      @running = false

    def method_missing(meth, *args)
      process_message(meth, *args)


    def process_inbox
      while @running
        meth, args = @mailbox.pop
        process_message(meth, *args)

    rescue Exception => ex
      puts "Error while running actor: #{ex}"

    def process_message(meth, *args)
      @mutex.synchronize do
        @target.public_send(meth, *args)

  class AsyncProxy
    def initialize(actor)
      @actor = actor

    def method_missing(meth, *args)
      @actor.send_later(meth, *args)

This code mostly builds upon concepts that have already been covered in this article, so it shouldn’t be too hard to follow with a bit of effort. That said, combining meta-programming techniques and concurrency can lead to code that makes your eyes glaze over, so we should also make an attempt to discuss how this module works at the high level. Let’s do that now!

Any class that includes the Actor module will be converted into an actor and will be able to receive asynchronous calls. We accomplish this by overriding the constructor of the target class so that we can return a proxy object every time an object of that class is instantiated. We also store the proxy object in a thread level variable. This is necessary because when sending messages between actors, if we refer to self in method calls we will exposed the inner target object, instead of the proxy. This same gotcha is also present in Celluloid.

Using this mixin, whenever we attempt to create an instance of a Philosopher object, we will actually receive an instance of Actor::Proxy. The Philosopher class is left mostly untouched, and so the actor-like behavior is handled entirely by the proxy object. Upon instantiation, that proxy creates a mailbox to store the incoming asynchronous messages and a thread to process those messages. The inbox is a thread-safe queue that ensures that incoming message are processed sequentially even if they arrive at the same time. Whenever the inbox is empty, the actor’s thread will be blocked until a new message needs to be processed.

This is roughly how things work in Celluloid as well, although its implementation is much more complex due to the many additional features it offers. Still, if you understand this code, you’re well on your way to having a working knowledge of what the actor model is all about.

Actors are helpful, but are not a golden hammer

Even this minimal implementation of the actor model gets the low-level concurrency primitives out of our ordinary class definitions, and into a centralized place where it can be handled in a consistent and reliable way. Celluloid goes a lot farther than we did here by providing excellent fault tolerance mechanisms, the ability to recover from failures, and lots of other interesting stuff. However, these benefits do come with their own share of costs and potential pitfalls.

So what can go wrong when using actors in Ruby? We’ve already hinted at the potential issues that can arise due to the issue of self schizophrenia in proxy objects. Perhaps more complicated is the issue of mutable state: while using actors guarantees that the state within an object will be accessed sequentially, it does not provide the same guarantee for the messages that are being passed around between objects. In languages like Erlang, messages consist of immutable parameters, so consistency is enforced at the language level. In Ruby, we don’t have that constraint, so we either need to solve this problem by convention, or by freezing the objects we pass around as arguments – which is quite restrictive!

Without attempting to enumerate all the other things that could go wrong, the point here is simply that there is no such thing as a golden hammer when it comes to concurrent programming. Hopefully this article has given you a basic sense of both the benefits and drawbacks of applying the actor model in Ruby, along with enough background knowledge to apply some of these ideas in your own projects. If it has done so, please do share your story.

Source code from this article

All of the code from this article is in Practicing Ruby’s example repository, but the links below highlight the main points of interest:

If you see anything in the code that you have questions about, don’t hesitate to ask.