This two part article explores the challenges involved in building a minimal implementation of the Active Record pattern. Part 1 (Issue 4.8) provides some basic background information about the problem and walks through some of the low level structures that are needed to build an ORM. Part 2 (this issue) builds on top of those structures to construct a complete Active Record object.

Building object-oriented mixins

One thing that makes the Active Record pattern challenging to implement is that involves shoehorning a bunch of persistence-related functionality into model objects. In the case of Rails, models inherit from ActiveRecord::Base which has dozens of modules mixed into it. This inheritance-based approach is the common way of doing complex behavior sharing in Ruby, but comes at a high maintainence cost. This is one of the main design challenges that BrokenRecord attempts to solve.

Because this is a tricky problem, it helps to explore these ideas by solving an easier problem first. For example, suppose that you have the following trivial Stack object and you want to extend it with some Enumerable-like functionality without mixing Enumerable directly into the Stack object:

class Stack
  def initialize
    @data = []

  def push(obj)

  def pop

  def size

  def each
    data.reverse_each { |e| yield(e) }


  attr_reader :data

You could use an Enumerator for this purpose, as shown in the following example:

stack =


enum  = { |y| stack.each { |e| y.yield(e) } }
p { |x| "Has element: #{x}" } #=~
# ["Has element: 30", "Has element: 20", "Has element: 10"]    

This is a very clean design, but it makes it so that you have to interact with both a Stack object and an Enumerator, which feels a bit tedious. With a little effort, the two could be unified under a single interface while keeping their variables and internal method calls separated:

class EnumerableStack
  def initialize
    @stack =
    @enum  = { |y| @stack.each { |e| y.yield(e) } }       

  def respond_to_missing?(m, *a)
    [@stack, @enum].find { |e| e.respond_to?(m) }

  def method_missing(m, *a, &b)
    obj = respond_to_missing?(m)

    return super unless obj
    obj.send(m, *a, &b)

From the external perspective, EnumerableStack still looks and feels like an ordinary Enumerable object:

stack =


p { |x| "Has element: #{x}" } #=~
# ["Has element: 30", "Has element: 20", "Has element: 10"]  

Unfortunately, it is painful to implement objects this way. If you applied this kind of technique throughout a codebase without introducing some sort of abstraction, you would end up having to write a ton of very boring respond_to_missing? and method_missing calls. It would be better to have an object that knows how to delegate methods automatically, such as the Composite object in the following example:

class EnumerableStack
  def initialize
    stack =
    enum  = { |y| stack.each { |e| y.yield(e) } }      
    @composite =
    @composite << stack << enum

  def respond_to_missing?(m, *a)

  def method_missing(m, *a, &b)
    @composite.dispatch(m, *a, &b)

The neat thing about this approach is that the EnumerableStack object now only needs to keep track of a single variable, even though it is delegating to multiple objects. This makes it safe to extract some of the functionality into a mix-in without the code becoming too brittle:

class EnumerableStack
  include Composable

  def initialize
    stack =
    enum  = { |y| stack.each { |e| y.yield(e) } }      

    # features is a simple attribute containing a Composite object
    features << stack << enum

The end result looks pretty clean, but using the Composable mixin to solve this particular problem is massively overkill. Mixing the Enumerable module directly into the Stack object is not that hard to do, and is unlikely to have any adverse consequences. Still, seeing how Composable can be used to replace one of the most common applications of mixins makes it much easier to understand how this technique can be applied in more complex scenarios. The good news is that as long as you have a rough idea of how Composable works in this context, you will have no trouble understanding how it is used in BrokenRecord.

To test whether or not you understand the basic pattern, take a look at the following code and see if you can figure out how it works. Don’t worry about the exact implementation details, just compare the following code to the other examples in this section and think about what the purpose of this module is:

module BrokenRecord
  module Mapping
    include Composable

    def initialize(params)
      features <<

    def self.included(base)

    module ClassMethods
      include Composable

      def map_to_table(table_name)
        features <<         => table_name,
                                 :db           => BrokenRecord.database,
                                 :record_class => self)

If you guessed that mixing BrokenRecord::Mapping into a class will cause any unhandled messages to be delegated to BrokenRecord::Relation at the class level and to BrokenRecord::Record at the instance level, then you guessed correctly! If you’re still stuck, it might help to recall how this mixin is used:

class Article
  include BrokenRecord::Mapping

  map_to_table :articles

article = Article.create(:title => "Great article", :body => "Wonderful!")
p article.title.upcase #=> "GREAT ARTICLE"

If you consider that the definition of BrokenRecord::Mapping above is its complete implementation, it becomes clear that the methods being called in this example need to come from somewhere. Now, it should be easier to see that Relation and Record are where those methods come from.

You really don’t need to know the exact details of how the Composable module works, because it is based entirely on the ideas already discussed in this article. However, if Composable still feels a bit too magical, go ahead and study its implementation before reading on. For bonus points, pull the code down and try to recreate the EnumerableStack example on your own machine.

Once you feel that you have a good grasp on how Composable works, you can continue on to see how it can be used to implement an Active Record object.

Implementing basic CRUD operations

The complex relationships that Active Record objects depend upon make them a bit challenging to understand and analyze. But like any complicated system, you can gain some foundational knowledge by starting with a very simple example as an entry point and digging deeper from there.

In the case of BrokenRecord, a good place to start is with a somewhat trivial model definition:

class Article
  include BrokenRecord::Mapping

  map_to_table :articles

  def published?
    status == "published"

You found out earlier when you looked at BrokenRecord::Mapping that it exists primarily to extend classes with functionality provided by BrokenRecord::Relation at the class level, and BrokenRecord::Record at the instance level. Because BrokenRecord::Mapping provides a fairly complicated initialize method, it is safe to assume that Article objects should be created by factory methods rather than instantiated directly. The following code demonstrates how that works:

Article.create(:title  => "A great article",
               :body   => "The rain in Spain...",
               :status => "draft")

Article.create(:title  => "A mediocre article",
               :body   => "Falls mainly in the plains",
               :status => "published")

Article.create(:title  => "A bad article",
               :body   => "Is really bad!",
               :status => "published")

Article.all.each do |article|
  if article.published?
    puts "PUBLISHED: #{article.title}"
    puts "UPCOMING: #{article.title}"

If you ignore what is going on inside the each block for the moment, it is easy to spot two factory methods being used in the previous example: Article.create and Article.all. To track down where these methods are coming from, you need to take a look at BrokenRecord::Relation, because that is where class-level method calls on Article are forwarded to if Article does not handle them itself. But before you do that, keep in mind that this is how that object gets created in the first place:

  def map_to_table(table_name)
    features <<         => table_name,
                             :db           => BrokenRecord.database,
                             :record_class => self)

If you note that map_to_table :articles is called within the Article class, you can visualize the call to in the previous example as being essentially the same as what you see below:

features <<          => :articles,
                         :db            => BrokenRecord.database,
                         :record_class  => Article)

Armed with this knowledge, it should be easier to make sense of the BrokenRecord::Relation class, which is shown in its entirety below. Pay particular attention to the initialize method, and just skim the rest of the method definitions; it isn’t important to fully understand them until later.

module BrokenRecord
  class Relation
    include Composable

    def initialize(params)
      self.table = => params.fetch(:name),
                             :db   => params.fetch(:db))

      self.record_class = params.fetch(:record_class)

      features << <<

    attr_reader :table

    def attributes

    def new_record(values) => self,
                       :values   => values,
                       :key      => values[table.primary_key])

    def define_record_method(name, &block)
      record_class.send(:define_method, name, &block)


    attr_reader :record_class
    attr_writer :table, :record_class

The main thing to notice about BrokenRecord::Relation is that its main purpose is to glue together a BrokenRecord::Table object with a user-defined record class, such as the Article class we’ve been working with in this example. The rest of its functionality is provided by the Relation::CRUD and Relation::Associations objects via composition. Because Article.all and Article.create are both easily identifiable as CRUD operations, the Relation::CRUD object is the next stop on your tour:

module BrokenRecord
  class Relation
    class CRUD
      def initialize(relation)
        self.relation = relation

      def all { |values| relation.new_record(values) }

      def create(values)
        id = table.insert(values)    

      def find(id)
        values = table.where(table.primary_key => id).first

        return nil unless values


      # ... other irrelevant CRUD operations omitted

      attr_accessor :relation

      def table

At this point, you should have noticed that both create() and all() are defined by Relation::CRUD, and it is ultimately these methods that get called whenever you call Article.create and Article.all. Whether you trace Relation::CRUD#create or Relation::CRUD#all, you’ll find that they both interact with the Table object provided by Relation, and that they both call Relation#new_record, and they don’t do much more than that. To keep things simple, we’ll follow the path that Relation::CRUD#all takes:

def all { |values| relation.new_record(values) }

This method calls BrokenRecord::Table#all, which as you saw in Issue 4.8 returns an array of hashes representing the results returned from the database when a trivial select * from articles query is issued. For this particular data set, the following results get returned:

 { :id     => 1, 
   :title  => "A great article", 
   :body   => "The rain in Spain...", 
   :status => "draft" }, 

 { :id     => 2, 
   :title  => "A mediocre article", 
   :body   => "Falls mainly in the plains", 
   :status => "published"}, 

 { :id     => 3, 
   :title  => "A bad article", 
   :body   => "Is really bad!", 
   :status => "published" }

Taking a second look at the Relation::CRUD#all method, it is easy to see that this is being transformed by a simple map call which passes each of these hashes to Relation#new_record. I had asked you to skim over that method earlier, but now would be a good time to take a second look at its definition:

module BrokenRecord
  class Relation
    def new_record(values) => self,
                       :values   => values,
                       :key      => values[table.primary_key])

If you recall that in this context record_class is a reference to Article, it becomes easy to visualize this call as something similar to what is shown below:

values = { :id     => 1, 
           :title  => "A great article", 
           :body   => "The rain in Spain...", 
           :status => "draft" } => some_relation_obj,
            :values   => values,
            :key      => 1)

As you discovered before, Article does not provide its own initialize method, and instead inherits the definition provided by BrokenRecord::Mapping#initialize:

module Mapping
  include Composable

  def initialize(params)
    features <<

If you put all the pieces together, you will find that calls to Article.all or Article.create return instances of Article, but those instances are imbued with functionality provided by a Record object, which in turn hold a reference to a Relation object that ties everything back to the database. By now you’re probably feeling like the Active Record pattern is a bit of a Rube Goldberg machine, and that isn’t far from the truth. Don’t worry though, the next section should help tie everything together for you.

Implementing the Active Record object itself

Earlier, I had asked you to ignore what was going on in the each block of the original example that kicked off this exploration, because I wanted to show you how Article instances get created before discussing how they work. Now that you have worked through that process, you can drop down to the instance level to complete the journey. Using the same code reading strategy as what you used before, you can start with the Article#published? and Article#title calls in the following example and see where they take you:

Article.all.each do |article|
  if article.published?
    puts "PUBLISHED: #{article.title}"
    puts "UPCOMING: #{article.title}"

A second look at the Article class definition reveals that it implements the published? method but does not implement the title method; the latter call gets passed along to BrokenRecord::Record automatically. Similarly, the internal call to status gets delegated as well:

class Article
  include BrokenRecord::Mapping

  map_to_table :articles

  def published?
    status == "published"

To understand what happens next, take a look at how the BrokenRecord::Record class works:

module BrokenRecord
  class Record
    include Composable

    def initialize(params)
      self.key      = params.fetch(:key, nil)
      self.relation = params.fetch(:relation)

      # NOTE: FieldSet (formally called Row) is a simple Struct-like object
      features <<     => params.fetch(:values, {}),
                               :attributes => relation.attributes)

    # ... irrelevant functionality omitted ...


    attr_accessor :relation, :key

By now you should be able to quickly identify BrokenRecord::FieldSet as the object that receives any calls that Record does not answer itself. The good news is that you already know how FieldSet works, because it was discussed in detail in Issue 4.8. But if you need a refresher, check out the following code:

values = { :id     => 1, 
           :title  => "A great article", 
           :body   => "The rain in Spain...", 
           :status => "draft" }

fieldset =     => values,
                                      :attributes => values.keys)

p fieldset.title  #=> "A great article"
p fieldset.status #=> "draft"

If you read back through the last few examples, you should be able to see how the data provided by Relation gets shoehorned into one of these FieldSet objects, and from there it becomes obvious how the Article#title and Article#status messages are handled.

If FieldSet is doing all the heavy lifting, you may be wondering why the Record class needs to exist at all. Those details were omitted from the original example, so it is definitely a reasonable question to ask. To find your answer, consider the following example of updating database records:

articles = Article.where(:status => "draft")

articles.each do |article|
  article.status = "published"

In the example you worked through earlier, data was being read and not written, and so it was hard to see how Record offered anything more than a layer of indirection on top of FieldSet. However, the example shown above changes that perspective significantly by giving a clear reason for Record to hold a reference to a Relation object. While Article#status= is provided by FieldSet, the Article#save method is provided by Record, and is defined as follows:

module BrokenRecord
  class Record
    # ... other details omitted ...

    def save
      if key
        relation.update(key, to_hash)

From this method (and others like it), it becomes clear that Record is essentially a persistent FieldSet object, which forms the essence of what an Active Record object is in its most basic form.

EXERCISE: Implementing minimal association support

The process of working through the low level foundations built up in Issue 4.8 combined with this article’s extensive walkthrough of how BrokenRecord implements some basic CRUD functionality probably gave you enough learning moments to make you want to quit while you’re ahead. That said, if you are looking to dig a little deeper, I’d recommend trying to work your way through BrokenRecord’s implementation of associations and see if you can make sense of it. The following example should serve as a good starting point:

class Article
  include BrokenRecord::Mapping

  map_to_table :articles

  has_many :comments, :key   => :article_id, 
                      :class => "Comment"

  def published?
    status == "published"

class Comment
  include BrokenRecord::Mapping

  map_to_table :comments

  belongs_to :article, :key   => :article_id,
                       :class => "Article"

Article.create(:title  => "A great articles",
               :body   => "The Rain in Spain",
               :status => "draft")

Comment.create(:body => "A first comment",  :article_id => 1)
Comment.create(:body => "A second comment", :article_id => 1)

article = Article.find(1)

puts "#{article.title} -- #{article.comments.count} comments"
puts { |e| "  * #{e.body}" }.join("\n")

Because not all the features used by this example are covered in this article, you will definitely need to directly reference the full source of BrokenRecord to complete this exercise. But don’t worry, by now you should be familiar with most of its code, and that will help you find your way around. If you attempt this exercise, please let me know your thoughts and questions about it!


Object-oriented mixins seems very promising to me, but also full of open questions and potential pitfalls. While they seem to work well in this toy implementation of Active Record, they may end up creating as many problems as they solve. In particular, it remains to be seen how this kind of modeling would impact performance, debugging, and introspection of Ruby objects. Still, the pattern does a good enough job of handling a very complex architectural pattern to hint that some further experimentation may be worthwhile.

Going back to the original question I had hoped to answer in the first part of this article about whether or not the Active Record pattern is inherently complex, I suppose we have found out that there isn’t an easy answer to that question. My BrokenRecord implementation is conceptually simpler than the Rails-based ActiveRecord, but only implements a tiny amount of functionality. I think that the closest thing to a conclusion I can come to here is that the traditional methods we use for object modeling in Ruby are certainly complex, and so any system which attempts to implement large-scale architectural patterns in Ruby will inherit that complexity unless it deviates from convention.

That all having been said, reducing complexity is about more than just preferring composition over inheritance and reducing the amount of magic in our code. The much deeper questions that we can ask ourselves is whether these very complicated systems we build are really necessary, or if they are a consequence of piling abstractions on top of abstractions in order to fix some fundamental low-level problem.

While this article was a fun little exploration into the depths of a complex modeling problem in Ruby, I think its real point is to get us to question our own tolerance for complexity at all levels of what we do. If you have thoughts to share about that, I would love to hear them.