This article was contributed by Jesse Storimer. He is the author of Working with Unix Processes and Working with TCP Sockets, a pair of ebooks providing fundamental Unix knowledge to Ruby developers. When he’s not at the keyboard, he’s often enjoying the great Canadian outdoors with his family.

Like many of you, I discovered Ruby via Rails and web development. That was my “in.” But before it was popular for writing web apps, Ruby was known for its object-oriented fundamentals and for being a great scripting language. One of the reasons for this latter benefit is that it’s so easy to marry Ruby with command-line utilities. Here’s an example:

task :console do
  `irb -r my_app`

There’s something simple and beautiful in the combination of Ruby and the command line here–the backticks are barely detectable. This code will technically accomplish what you think it will: it will drop you into an app-specific console that is basically an irb session with your app already required. But do you know what’s going on inside that backtick method?

Ruby provides many ways of spawing processes. Why use backticks instead of system?

task :console do
  system('irb -r my_app')

Or what about exec? Would that have been better?

task :console do
  exec('irb', '-r', 'my_app')

In order to make this decision, you need to understand what these methods are doing under the hood. The differences may be trivial for spawning a development console, but picking one of these methods over another in a production environment can have major implications.

In this article, we’re going to reimplement the key parts of these process-spawning primitives to get a better understanding of how they work and where they’re most applicable. Afterward, you’ll have a greater understanding of how process spawning works regardless of programming language and you’ll have a grip on which methods are most applicable in different situations.

Starting somewhere

I have already hinted at a few different process-spawning methods–Ruby has a ton of them. Off the top of my head, there’s: Kernel#system, Kernel#\`, IO.popen, Process.spawn, open, shell, open3, pty, and probably more. All of these ship with Ruby, some in the core and others in the standard library.

All of these spawning methods boil down to the same pattern, but we’re not going to implement them all. To save time, we’ll stick with implementing system and the backtick method. Either of these methods can be called with a shell command as the argument. Both handle the command in slightly different ways with slightly different outputs:

system('ls -l') #=> true
system('ls -l *.rb | ack Product') #=> true
system('boohoo') #=> nil
`git log -n1 --format=%h^` #=> 51e7a1c
`hostname` #=> jessebook

Let’s start building them.

Harnessing ourselves with tests

Before we dive into spawning process head first, let’s rein ourselves in a bit. If we’re going to reimplement what Ruby already provides, we’re going to need a way to test our implementation and make sure that it performs the same way that Ruby does. Enter Rubyspec.

The RubySpec project aims to write a complete executable specification for the Ruby programming language that is syntax-compatible with RSpec. RSpec is essentially a DSL (domain-specific language) for describing the behavior of code. This project contains specs that describe Ruby language syntax, core library classes, and standard library classes.

RubySpec provides a specification for the Ruby language itself, and we want to reimplement a part of the Ruby language; therefore, we can use RubySpec to test our implementation.

To use these specs to drive our implementation, we need to get two things: RubySpec itself, and its testing library mspec. You can check out this README for installation instructions. To verify that things are working as expected, try running the kernel tests from within the RubySpec project directory:

$ mspec core/kernel

To run our custom code against these tests, we can use the familiar -r option with mspec to require a file that redefines the methods we want to override. Let’s do that, while at the same time running the Kernel.system specs:

$ touch practicing_spawning.rb
$ mspec -r ./practicing_spawning.rb core/kernel/system_spec.rb

Should be all green so far!

Breaking the test

Let’s begin our implementation by causing the tests to fail:

# practicing_spawning.rb
module Kernel
  def system(*args)

  private :system

The very first spec says that system should be private. I set that up right away because it’s not the interesting part. If we run the system specs again, we get our first of several failures:

Kernel#system executes the specified command in a subprocess FAILED
Expected (STDOUT): "a\n"
          but got: ""

This failure directly relates to the following spec:

it "executes the specified command in a subprocess" do
  lambda { @object.system("echo a") }.should output_to_fd("a\n")

If you’ve ever used the system method, this test should be easy to understand. It says that shelling out to echo should output the echoed string. If you dig into the output_to_fd method that’s part of mspec, you’ll see that it’s expecting this output on STDOUT.

fork and subprocesses

The failing spec title says that system spawns a subprocess. If you’re creating new processes on a Unix system, that means using fork:

Kernel.fork [{ block }] -> fixnum or nil
Process.fork [{ block }] -> fixnum or nil

Creates a subprocess. If a block is specified, that block is run in the subprocess, and the subprocess terminates with a status of zero. Otherwise, the fork call returns twice, once in the parent, returning the process ID of the child, and once in the child, returning nil.

This bit of Ruby documentation gives you an idea of what fork does. It’s conceptually similar to going on a hike and coming to a fork in the trail. The trail represents the execution of a process over time. Whereas humans can only pick one path, when a process is forked it literally continues down both branches of the trail in parallel. What was one process becomes two independent processes. This behavior is specified by the fork(2) manpage:

Fork() causes creation of a new process. The new process (child process) is an exact copy of the calling process (parent process) […]

When you fork, you start with one process and end up with two processes that are exactly the same. In some cases, this means that everything is copied from one process to the other. But if copy-on-write semantics are implemented, the two processes may physically share memory until one of them tries to modify it; then each gets its own copy written out.

Although understanding fork is certainly helpful, we still haven’t quite figured out how to implement the system method. We know that we can take our Ruby process and create a copy of it with fork, but how do we then turn the new child process into an echo process?

fork + exec

The fork + exec pattern for spawning processes is the blueprint upon which most process spawning is built. We’ve already looked at fork, so what about exec?

exec transforms the current process into another process. Using exec, you can transform a Ruby process into an ls process, another Ruby process, or an echo process:

puts 'hi from Ruby'
puts 'bye from Ruby' # will never be reached

This program will never get to the last line of Ruby code. Once it has performed exec('ls'), the Ruby program no longer exists. It has been transformed to ls. So there’s no possible way for it to get back to this Ruby program and finish execution.

Finally, a passing test

With fork and exec, we now have the building blocks that we need to implement our own system method. Here’s the most basic implementation:

# practicing_spawning.rb
module Kernel
  def system(*args)

    # Create a new subprocess that will just exec the requested program.
    pid = fork { exec(*args) }

    # Because fork() allows both processes to work in parallel, we must tell the
    # parent process to wait for the child to exit. Otherwise, the parent would
    # continue in parallel with the child and would be unable to process its
    # return value.
    _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid)

  private :system

If we run this against the same spec as before, more tests pass, but not all of them. Still, getting that initial spec to pass means that we’re headed in the right direction.

There are three very simple Unix programming primitives in use here: fork, exec, and wait. We’ve already talked about fork and exec, the cornerstone of Unix process spawning. The third player here, wait, is often used in unison with these two. It tells the parent process to wait for the child process before continuing, rather than continuing execution in parallel. This is a pretty common pattern when spawning shell commands, because you usually want to wait for the output of the command.

In this case, we collect the status of the child when it exits and return the result of success?. This result is true for a successful exit status code (i.e., 0) and false for any other value.

Getting back to green

Now we need to get the rest of the system specs passing. In the remainder of the failures, we see the following output:

Kernel#system returns nil when command execution fails FAILED
Expected false to be nil
<snipped backtrace...>

Kernel#system does not write to stderr when command execution fails FAILED
Expected (STDERR): ""
         but got: "/[...]/practicing_spawning.rb:8:in `exec': No such 
         file or directory - sad (Errno::ENOENT)
<snipped backtrace...>

These failures relate to the following specs:

ruby_version_is "1.9" do
  it "returns nil when command execution fails" do
    @object.system("sad").should be_nil

it "does not write to stderr when command execution fails" do
  lambda { @object.system("sad") }.should output_to_fd("", STDERR)

Both of these specs are testing the same situation: trying to exec a command that doesn’t exist. When this happens, it actually raises an exception in the subprocess, as is evidenced by the previously listed failure #2, which prints an exception message along with a stacktrace on its STDERR, whereas the spec expected that STDERR would be empty.

So when the subprocess raises an exception, we need to notify the parent process of what went wrong. Note that we can’t use Ruby’s regular exception handling in this case because the exception is happening inside the subprocess. The subprocess got a copy of everything that the parent had, including the Ruby interpreter. So although all of the code is sourced from the same file, we can’t depend on regular Ruby features because the processes are actually running on their own separate copies of the Ruby interpreter!

To solve this problem, we need some form of interprocess communication (IPC). Keeping with the general theme of this article, we’ll use a Unix pipe.

The pipe

A call to IO.pipe in Ruby will return two IO objects, one readable and one writable. Together, they form a one-way data ‘pipe’. Data is written to one IO object and read from the other:

rd, wr = IO.pipe
wr.write "ping"
wr.close #=> "ping"

A pipe can be used for IPC by taking advantage of fork semantics. If you create a pipe before forking, the child process inherits a copy of the pipe from its parent. As both have a copy, one process can write to the pipe while the other reads from it, enabling IPC. Pipes are backed by the kernel itself, so we can use them to communicate between our independent Ruby processes.

Implementing system() with a pipe

Now we can roll together all of these concepts and write our own implementation of system that passes all the specs:

# practicing_spawning.rb
module Kernel
  def system(*args)

    rd, wr = IO.pipe

    # Create a new subprocess that will just exec the requested program.
    pid = fork do
      # The subprocess closes its copy of the reading end of the pipe
      # because it only needs to write.

      rescue SystemCallError

        # In case of failure, write a byte to the pipe to signal that an exception
        # occurred and exit with an unsuccessful code.
        exit 1

    # The parent process closes its copy of the writing end of the pipe
    # because it only needs to read.

    # Tell the parent to wait.
    _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid)

    # If the reading end of the pipe has no data, there was no exception
    # and we fall back to the exit status code of the subprocess. Otherwise,
    # we return nil to denote the error case.
    if rd.eof?

  private :system

All green!

Implementing backticks

Now that you’ve got the fundamentals under your belt, we can apply these concepts to the implementation of other process-spawning methods. Let’s do backticks:

# practicing_spawning.rb
module Kernel
  def `(str)
    rd, wr = IO.pipe

    # Create a new subprocess that will exec just the requested program.
    pid = fork do
      # The subprocess closes its copy of the reading end of the pipe
      # because it only needs to write.

      # Anything that the exec'ed process would have written to $stdout will
      # be written to the pipe instead.


    # The parent process closes its copy of the writing end of the pipe
    # because it only needs to read.

    # The parent waits for the child to exit.

    # The parent returns whatever it can read from the pipe.

  private :`

Now we can run the backticks spec against our implementation and see that it’s all green!

$ mspec -r ./practicing_spawning.rb core/kernel/backtick_spec.rb

The full source for our practicing_spawning.rb file is available as a gist.

Closing notes

I find something special in spawning processes. You get to dig down below the top layer of your programming language to the lower layer where All Things Are One. When dealing with things such as fork, exec, and wait, your operating system treats all processes equally. Any Ruby process can transform into a C program, or a Python process, or vice versa. Similarly, you can wait on processes written in any language. At this layer of abstraction, there are only the system and its primitives.

We spend a lot of our mental energy worrying about good principles such as abstraction, decoupling, efficiency. When digging down a layer and learning what your operating system is capable of, you see an extremely robust and abstract system. It cares not how you implement your programs but offers the same functionality for any running program. Understanding your system at this level will really show you what it’s capable of and give you a good mental understanding of how your system sees the world. Once you really grasp the fork + exec concepts, you’ll see that these are right at the core of a Unix system. Every process is spawned this way. The simplest example is your shell, which uses this very pattern to launch programs.

I’ll leave you with two more tips:

  1. Use exec() at the end of scripts to save a process. Remember the early example in which a rake task spawned an irb session? The obvious choice in that case is to use exec.

    Any other variant will require forking a new process that then execs and has the parent wait for it. Using exec directly eliminates the need for an extra process by transforming the rake process directly into an irb process. This trick obviously won’t work in situations where you need to shell out and then work with the output, but keep it in mind if the last line of your script just shells out.

  2. Pass an Array instead of a String. The backticks method always takes a string, but the system method (and many other process spawning methods) will take an array or a string.

    When passed a string, exec may spawn a shell to interpret the command, rather than executing it directly. This approach is handy for stuff like system('find . | ack foobar -l') but is very dangerous when user input is involved. An unescaped string makes shell injection possible. Shell injection is like SQL injection, except that a compromised shell could provide an attacker with root access to your entire system! Using an array will never spawn a shell but will pass the elements directly as the ARGV of the exec’ed process. Always do this.

Finally, if you enjoyed these exercises, try to implement some of the other process spawning primitives I mentioned. With RubySpec as your guide, you can try reimplementing just about anything with confidence. Doing so will surely give you a better understanding of how process spawning works in Ruby–or any Unix environment.

Please leave a comment and share your code if you implement some pure-Ruby versions of these spawning methods. I’d love to see them!